The rapid and easy increase in the number of members, without restrictions, low prices, seemed like celebrities.
This website has several years of experience in providing Telegram robot services.
It has provided various services before 7000 active channels, which shows its power and expertise.
Existence of such a history and power caused the Follow Jet team to launch a full-fledged.
It's server in order to immediately increase Telegram members and provide it to its loyal customers.
Although these members are not Iranian, but they are exactly like active profiles, as a result, they will cause the rapid growth of Telegram channel members.
One of the most important advantages of BTM powerful server is that it provides members.
With the lowest possible price compared to other Telegram member shopping reference sites.
Follow Jet includes other services such as increasing Telegram visits, influencer marketing, BTM and Twitter visits, as well as YouTube and Tic Tac.
Important keywords of the site: Buy Telegram members, Telegram robot, Telegram training, increase Telegram members, earn money from Telegram
Let's take a closer look with a magnifying glass to see if buy Telegram members is entirely to the benefit of your channel or to your detriment.

Problems buy Telegram members
Let us first talk about the disadvantages and problems of buy Telegram members, then we will introduce you to the various benefits of buying it.
Delete members
The first disadvantage of buy Telegram members is that after a while, all your fake members may be deleted altogether!
In fact, over the years, Telegram has repeatedly deleted various member accounts according to its own calculations.
In this case, by deleting the fake members of your account, you will definitely lose the expenses you paid for its purchase and you will lose money financially.
Fall of members
Many time you can go to reputable sales companies to buy member fakes.
These companies unfortunately sell members who will follow you over a short period of time.
In this way, you may practically find out after 1 year that half or even all of your members have dropped.
Again, this can be bypassed-but not unless you're a techie who knows what he's doing.
Delete the channel
Another disadvantage of buy Telegram member is the possibility of deleting your channel!
In fact, if you go to reputable companies that sell Telegram members, they will offer their services to you without hesitation.
In this way, Telegram may suspect your channel as a spammer and advertising channel and in some cases will delete your account completely!
This is especially true when you have to buy a large number of thousands of members.

Of course, if the company in front of you is trustworthy and caring.
It knows that it must transfer members to your account over time and over months to prevent this from happening.
Note: If you do not know a reputable company to buy members that can provide these services to you without any problems.
Due to its high history and great expertise, this collection will increase the number of real members of your channel without causing any such problems.
Unreliability of users
In the past, Telegram users did not have much technical knowledge.
This means, for example, that if they saw that your Telegram account had 10,000 members.
They would look at it as a credible account and follow you. But what today?
Today, the audience, after seeing the number of your members, will immediately go to review your posts to take a look at the number of likes and comments.
This will make sure that the number of contacts you have is real or fake! If they find out that your account has fake members, they may lose trust in you.
With this in mind, it is recommended that in order to avoid such a problem.
Follow the process of buying members along with producing content and attracting real members so that your audience does not notice it.
Reduce interaction
New Telegram algorithms have linked displaying a post from your account in Explorer to something called "interaction"!
This means that if you publish a post today that gets a lot of likes and comments in the first few minutes, the Telegram algorithm will show it to other audiences as well.
But if the interaction of this post is low, even your own audience will not notice it, let alone the others!
Now, what does this have to do with the disadvantages and problems of buying Telegram fake members?
Well, when you have a lot of fake members in your account and publish a post, you get no interaction; For example, you may have 10,000 members, but your post will only get 100 likes in 24 hours.