Did you know you can convert your pdf files into steller images! We’re here to tell you that it's not only possible but surprisingly simple.
You can literally save your pdf files that may contain graphs, text, or statistics into images that you can use for whatever you need.
There are a number of ways you can do that. We outline the most popular methods in this article. By the end, you’d know plenty of ways to do it.
Screenshot Method
Okay, this is hands down the best hack you have available. You simply open a pdf file, scroll down the page you want the image of and then depending on your device, you can take a screenshot.
It’s a lot easier on smartphones and tablets but becomes a little tricker on computers. We’re here to tell you how to do it on PCs and Macbooks.
On a PC, To get a quick screenshot of the active pdf file you’re on, utilize the keyboard shortcut Alt + PrtScrn.
This would snap your pdf file and clone the screenshot to the clipboard. You'll have to open the screenshot in an image editor to save it to disc.
To get a snapshot of your entire pdf on the screen and automatically save the screenshot, press the Windows key and the Print Screen key.
Your screen would momentarily go dim to signify that you've just taken a screenshot, and the screenshot would be saved to the Pictures in the Screenshots folder.
This is how you do it on PC. How it's done on a Mac is discussed briefly in the paragraphs below.
To take a screenshot of your pdf file on a mac, simply press and hold the three keys simultaneously: Shift, Command, and 3.
If you spot a thumbnail in the corner of your computer screen, click it to edit the screenshot. Or else, wait for the screenshot to automatically save to your desktop.
You can also capture just the portion of the pdf file by using an alternative and selective screenshot method on macs.
To take selective screenshots of pdf, press shift, command and 4 together. A crosshair will appear. Drag it to select the area of the pdf that you want to capture.
To move selection, press and keep holding the spacebar to move the selection.
Web based solution
Up until now, we only discussed hacks, but if you want a professional image of your pdf file, you can use a lot of web based apps available on different platforms.
Simply go to google or any other search engine, type in pdf to image converter and you’re good to go.
A lot of results will appear, most of them would be free, and would convert your pdf files into professional and optimized image formats.
This will save you all the hassle if you’re not tech savvy. These websites don’t save your data either, just make sure that you end up on an authentic platform like above and not a spamming website.