The word learning is used routinely in discussions about teaching in higher education, so it’s important to clarify what we are referring to when we talk about learning. Educational researchers agree that learning is much deeper than memorization and information recall. Deep and long-lasting learning involves understanding, relating ideas and making connections between prior and new knowledge, independent and critical thinking and ability to transfer knowledge to new and different contexts.
housing is the main activity concentration point of the people and a part of their identity. in Iran this is of double importance due to the people’s life style and the time spent at homes. Being manipulated by factors of market, codes and site plus ignoring social and individual behavioral patterns emanated from culture, the quality of contemporary housing developments especially affordable ones of Iran has contributed to lack of responsive housing complexes.
The WHO Housing and health guidelines bring together the most recent evidence to provide practical recommendations to reduce the health burden due to unsafe and substandard housing. Based on newly commissioned systematic reviews, the guidelines provide recommendations relevant to inadequate living space (crowding), low and high indoor temperatures, injury hazards in the home, and accessibility of housing for people with functional impairments.
This issue particularly in MAHCs by immediate locating of multistorey apartments before the streets defines a type of dwelling-society relationship that is full of aggressiveness also free of chances of interactions and diverse activities of MAHCs users to be exposed and consequently lack of sense of attachment to these spaces.
In addition, the guidelines identify and summarize existing WHO guidelines and recommendations related to housing, with respect to water quality, air quality, neighbourhood noise, asbestos, lead, tobacco smoke and radon. The guidelines take a comprehensive, intersectoral perspective on the issue of housing and health and highlight co-benefits of interventions addressing several risk factors at the same time.
In Shahrekord ignoring the chance of participating of users (mostly from lower social groups and young couples) by the designers plus mandatory coexistence of the people with such a socio-economical situations have resulted in clustered form of living either in internal or external spaces and still ignoring of setting of territories expected by these people has resulted in choosing some type of behavioral patterns that are not only introvert but also almost tribal (nomadic) also different to designers purposes. In addition limiting the chance provided by external spaces to the users has created clustered living in exterior and interior spaces.
The learning of an additional language can contribute to healthy and active aging, as it has a positive effect on executive function (linguistic) self-confidence, autonomy, communication skills, and overall well-being, irrespective of age, and prior language knowledge (bilingualism).
It seems that these conflicts and non-responsiveness of the plans stem from the following factors: firstly ignoring behavioral patterns originated in the location of the living, beliefs and socio-economical groups of contacts. Secondly improper cognition of “affordable” keyword by designers.
The following dissertation aims at exploring the experience of designing affordable housing environments in the global context and applying it to Shahrekord MAHCs by establishing a dialectic and finally introduce a guideline to adapt these environments with cultural patterns of the users from urban design point of view. To achieve this the methods of library studies, observation, photo and video recording and software analysis will be surveyed.
As many psychologists believe, There is strong evidence characterizing housing’s relationship to health. Housing stability, quality, safety, and affordability all affect health outcomes, as do physical and social characteristics of neighborhoods.