What are the causes of a car accident?

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Car accidents are prevalent all across the world. The cause of car accidents can seem endless. The reason why car accidents vary widely is sometimes the driver’s behavior causes car accidents, and other times environmental factors contribute to car crashes. 

Distracted driving 

It is the leading cause of car accidents. It includes anything that distracts your attention from the road. With all the technology, we have our cell phones, changing songs, and texting, we are constantly distracted. Taking a selfie during driving also distracts you. 

Reckless Driving

Speeding, changing lanes without looking, tailgating other motorists, and ignoring road signs are all basic signs of reckless driving. It is an illegal driving habit and the most common cause of road accidents. 

Night Driving

Lack of visibility makes hazards more difficult to see at night. Make sure that you are extra alert on the road at night, and use your full lights when on an abandoned road without street lights. 

Wrong-Way Driving/ Improper Turns

Be aware of street signs warning of one-way streets or other irregularities, especially in unfamiliar areas. When people don’t get in the proper lane to make a turn or don’t follow traffic signals, accidents happen.

Poor Weather

A crash involving snow, ice, heavy rain, fog, or other adverse weather conditions may seem unavoidable. The slippery, treacherous road conditions caused by heavy rains should be avoided when at all possible. If visibility is too low to drive or the roads seem particularly slick, you should pull over and wait until the storm passes. 


Alcohol is the offender we usually associate with drugs, including prescription pills and other illegal drugs also cause terrible accidents. Never drive if you are under the influence of any drug.

Teenage drivers 

Careful driving is never wasted on young drivers. Unfortunately, teenagers aren’t often known for their carefulness. When teen drivers hit the roads, they don’t always know what to do, and that lack of experience ends up causing car accidents.

Lane Changes

When drivers don’t make safe lane changes properly, it often leads to a car accident.

Despite the safety, due to any cause, your cat met an accident, don’t forget to consult the San Antonio car accident lawyer.

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