This is for you Doc.
There are many underrepresented groups in America. We like to call them minorities. There are blacks, women, Asians, Latinos, gays and lesbians, puppies, rappers, crackheads, etc. These groups are usually maligned and disenfranchised by the dominant group at the time, which in this country has usually been white men.
Well there are groups that are discriminated against by not only white men, but black men, white women, black women, hell anybody actually, because of their antics and the belief that these individuals are not bringing anything to society and are actually detrimental. It’s ironic, because this group has the ability to bring change to the world and bring about unity because of the diverse nature of its makeup.
I’m talking about video ho*s.
Yes, video ho*s.
It’s amazing the hate that is spewed towards video ho*s. Here is a group of women who are merely adding color, class, and a little bit of sexiness to a video and they receive nothing but negative energy. It’s just not fair. Well, I for one, will not stand around and allow this nincompoopery to continue. It is my goal to point out the one positive that video ho*s bring to the world that could make this a better world for you and me. Yes, they can heal the world. Even make it a better place…for you and for me.
Yes, that’s what video ho*s can do.
First, I apologize for any ill will I’ve given to the video ho*s. You make me smile and I intend to purge myself of all of the ignorance I’ve thrown your direction.
Being as I watch a lot of videos, I realize that some of these women are being exploited, but most of them just want to be there, sharing their beauty and dancing skills with the world. These women, these valiant purveyors of aesthetic voyeurism, are providing the backdrop for a society enamored with entertainment and a**. We are a T&A society. They are T&A. I think we should examine how much these video ho*s, these women that we talk so horribly about, go through just to make us smile, gawk, and appreciate the aesthetic beauty that is hip-hop.
I was watching the MTVJams the other day and saw the popular 2006 video for the Back Wudz single “You’re Gonna Love Me”.
While watching this video, I started thinking about when this video came out - mostly because there is a severe disparity in the outfits that are being rocked in this video. The dudes, especially towards the end and during the night hours are all wearing…coats. The video ho*s?? They’re wearing what video ho*s wear.
You can see the cold breath from these dudes as they’re rapping. And yet, right there, bright as day, those video ho*s are still putting in their work because they see the greater picture here. They make it look like its 90 degrees outside, despite the fact that Dallas Austin is wearing a Gap (I only know this because I have that coat) $150 parka.
You see, what video ho*s bring to the world is an undying spirit and work ethic despite the odds. Sure its cold outside and they’ll probably have to go to the hospital to get treated for hypothermia…but there is a greater cause at hand! Making the men look like the pimps they aren’t. Video ho*s risk heights, will walk on ledges, will stand on the edge of a crane, let snakes climb all over them, just to make a video look good. That is dedication.
You see, video ho*s, the oft maligned group of women, are believers in perseverance and the greater good. They believe in the artistry of music. Video ho*s believe that without aesthetics and without determination, the world would crumble.
Video ho*s make us believe that men in these videos are sex symbols. But alas, they do them, over and over.
They show up and give light to the darkness that is a horrible song because they believe in the plight of the entertainer. And I believe in their plight, because video ho*s make it possible to believe!
That is what they bring to the world and why this group shouldn’t be discriminated against any longer. Video ho*s make me believe in myself.
What have you done to better the world lately?
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