If you’re anything like me, you’re amazed that this Tiger Woods story still has legs. I figured it it would be over and done with before we hit December but nope. Apparently Tiger has more hoez than Vegas.
As of today, there are AT LEAST 10 women who’ve come forward as Tiger’s concubines. We’ve got cocktail waitresses, Hooters girls, a porn star.
Not to mention he was running raw in at least two of them AND sending nasty text messages. Tiger is a perv.
Quite honeslty, I didn’t think he had it in him. I’ve often views Tiger as that uber-goofy doofball who you’d point and laugh at who managed to make a billion dollars just so he could swallow his opponents and all that stuff. Now I think a lot of news sources and blogs are erroneously taking a race angle with the media coverage of his myriad cockups. I mean, its Tiger Woods and short of Afghanistan and health care reform (two constant and never-ending problems) news is really slow lately. Plus, most folks are probably like me and can’t believe that Tiger is a ho.
So I don’t think race is a factor in the coverage. However, far be it from me to think about the racial angle in this whole thing.
I know that’s an odd angle to take with this, but really, it lends me to believe that he really doesn’t f*ck with Black people at all. Odd considering how Black people take every opportunity to claim him as a Black dude even if he doesn’t know it. See, what we do know is that Tiger loves him some new p*ssy. He loves it so much that he clearly can’t say no. Hell, in my office pool, I’ve got him with at least 5 more chicks who haven’t come forward. I almost think that his wife knows this but her whole thing was keeping it on the low. Don’t let it go public or I’m out and you’re gonna owe me LOOOOOOOOOONG dough.
And so it was.
No wonder Buick dropped him. They probably couldn’t afford to keep paying Tiger’s pals.
But back to the Black thing. I have this odd theory that if you don’t appreciate Black women, you just cannot appreciate Black people. I know it’s weird, but even my own mother is white and she raised me, largely by herself, for the first six years of my life in some of the whitest parts of the country. Yet today, you can’t tell me Black women aren’t the most beautiful, wonderful beings on the planet.
I understand people have preferences and its likely that Black women aren’t even paying attention to Tiger (that wouldn’t surprise me, I’ve yet to meet a Black woman who ever thought Tiger was hot), but still, it seems odd to me that with all the thick thighs and banging Serena style bodies running the globe, he’d always choose a white woman. That just seems odd to me since if you’re gong to cheat you MIGHT AS WELL cheat on something thats gonna provide a fantasy or something at some point. He basically kept banging his wife with wigs on.
I know Oprah was at his wedding, hell that might be the only Black woman he even deals with. But who would hit that?
I suppose what I find most interesting harkens back to this problem we have in the Black community of supporting our own even thru foolishness (see Kelly, Robert Sylvester or Simpson, Orenthal James). We find a way to support people thru some of the most ridiculous of circumstances even if we know they did wrong because they belong to us. Perhaps its one of those situations where nobody will beat our kids but us. But what the hell do you do when you’ve supported somebody for so long who’s made it clear that they really don’t want no parts of you?
While I think that Tiger just likes white p*ssy, I think that it goes deeper than that. Perhaps its because his daddy is Black and he didn’t have a Grandma Nana to show him positive Black women. I don’t know.
I’ll throw it to you all, do you think there’s a deeper issue that’s materializing with all the women that are showing up? Does Tiger really just prefer white women?
Does Tiger really think that he ain’t Black which is why all his womens aren’t either??
Did you even think Tiger had it in him??
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